
Stainless Steel Bottles – for all seasons and reasons

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Water is an indispensable part of life. The importance of staying hydrated to maintain good health cannot be overstated. Adequate water intake also boosts the immune system, among other benefits. Hence it makes sense to ensure that we use the right options to carry and drink water from. While plastic bottles are an easily available, affordable and popular choice for storing and carrying water, consumers are now increasingly aware of the various health hazards posed by them. Plastic bottles tend to contaminate their contents with dangerous chemicals such as BPA, which cause serious medical issues. Although many manufacturers claim that their bottles are BPA-free, and that some plastic bottles are
multi-use versions and recyclable, they still contain other chemicals which are dangerous in the long run. Another serious issue is that, owing to the lack of recycling, most plastic bottles end up in landfills, where they can take literally centuries to decompose, all the while polluting our soil and water bodies. It is thus imperative that we reduce the use of plastic to the bare minimum, if not completely. The best alternative to using or reusing plastic bottles is definitely to go for stainless steel bottles. They can be as stylish, portable and versatile as plastic bottles, but without endangering health while providing a number of benefits which make them the smart choice for savvy consumers. Stainless steel bottles are an environment-friendly option and do not have any adverse effects on our health as they are made from natural elements and do not contain any harmful chemicals. In addition, those varieties of stainless steel bottles which do not have any plastic components are totally BPA-free. Also they cost less resources and energy to make than plastic bottles do. They are tough and durable and can be used for years without any issues. If eventually they do get the worse for wear, they can then be recycled easily. While traveling, you may want to carry water or your favourite beverage with you to be taken as per your convenience. Some versions of stainless steel bottles provide the required insulation and you can enjoy
your drink as hot or as cold as you like. Also, leaving them out in the sun has no harmful effects as no chemicals or toxins of any sort can leach into your water. Cleaning and maintenance of stainless steel bottles becomes a breeze as they are impervious to mold and bacteria and resistant to stains and discolourations. All varieties can be easily cleaned by rinsing them with soap and water, and some models are even safe to use with a dishwasher. They are perfect for reuse, as after a wash, steel bottles don’t give you the lingering taste of any liquid stored earlier, which is a
particular drawback of plastic bottles. While plastic bottles were preferred as they were colourful, attractive and ‘sporty’, nowadays even stainless steel bottles come in an eye-catching variety of colours and shapes to meet the requirements of people of all ages and tastes. They are relatively light in weight even when filled with water. They also come in various sizes, from 1 and 2 liter bottles useful for storage to smaller versions of 500 ml and 250 ml which can be slipped into a backpack or even a purse, providing a very convenient and portable option for people on the go. As stainless steel bottles may seem to cost a bit higher, you may wonder whether they are a good investment for the price you pay. But the fact is that they also prove to be economic in the long term as they last for years, as compared to investing in single-use plastic bottles over and over again. Add to this the health benefits and they make a wise choice. With growing awareness of the menace plastic poses to our health and environment, more and more people are making the decision to switch to stainless steel bottles. The more we avoid plastic bottles in favour of buying stainless steel bottles, the lesser is the plastic available to pollute our lands and seas. This, along with the fact that they are durable, reusable and recyclable, makes them the perfect option for those looking for a safe, sustainable way of storing or drinking water or any other beverages.